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We are so, so very excited to introduce our newest Board member, Joshua Revious. Read his bio below.  He will be bringing awesome experience to the board. Did we say we are excited???!!!!

Joshua grew up in Bozeman and did his undergraduate studies at University of Montana, and earned an MBA from Columbia University. He served 8 years in the military serving both in the Army and the Air Force. He came back to Bozeman so that his son could be raised in Montana. Joshua built Bozeman's first homeless shelter while serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA, and worked as a social worker for 7 years predominantly working with veterans and individuals on probation/parole. Connecting clients with faith groups proved to be the best way to support successful reintegration and is a topic that he has written on. Despite being a member of the Sikh faith Joshua strongly supports Freedom in Christ's ministry and mission of transforming lives. He currently works with the state in the area of community needs assessment.